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Can Muslims greet non-Muslims with the greeting of 'Salam' ?

Most scholars have concluded that a Muslim responding to the greetings of 'Salam' is compulsory, even if it was from a non Muslim. When a non Muslim initiate the greeting of “Assalamu alaikum” (meaning “peace be with you”), we must reply the greeting of peace by saying "Wa ‘alaikum salam" (meaning “and peace be with you too”).

Sheikh Abdul-Aziz bin Baaz also reported to have said: “If a non Muslim greets us, we must respond in the same manner that he/she has greeted us with. So if one (of the non Muslims) says: “Assalamu alaikum” clearly when greeting us, we must respond by saying "Wa ‘alaikum salam."

Regarding initiating greetings to anyone, the Qur’an says: “O you who believe, do not enter houses other than yours without first announcing your presence and invoking peace (saying salam) upon the folk thereof. That is better for you, that you may be heedful." (QS 24:27)

This verse clearly says that if a Muslim were to enter someone house (irregardless of race or religion), we must first give the greeting of 'Salam'. In another verse, the Quran says:

"So turn aside from them (the non believers) and say, "Peace" (Salam). But they are going to know." (QS 43:89)

This verse indicated to us that we are supposed to initiate the greeting of 'Salam' to the non believers if they refused to listen to our dakwah. And in another verse, the Quran says:

"And the servants of the Most Merciful are those who walk upon the earth easily, and when the ignorant address them (harshly), they say 'Peace' (Salam)." (QS 25:63)

Muslims are supposed to say the greeting of 'Salam' even when we are being treated harshly. Likewise, in a hadith narrated in Sahih Bukhari and Muslim, the Prophet (pbuh) was once asked:

“What aspect of Islam is among the best?” He replied “Giving food (to the needy) and saying salam to whom you know and whom you know not”.

In another hadith from Bukhari and Muslim, the Prophet (Peace be upon him) also said: “Spread the greeting of peace (Salam).” These texts appear to be general in their meaning and are not restricted to greetings the Muslims only.

Regarding responding to greetings, the general teaching of the Quran (QS 4:86) is that “…when you are greeted with a greeting, greet (in return) with one which is better than it or (at least) return it (in like manner). Indeed, Allah is ever taking account of all things”.

Muslims must always try and respond to the greetings of others with something better. Commenting on this verse, Ibn Kathir reported Al-Hasan Al-Basri as saying: “Initiating the Salam is voluntary, but replying to the greeting of Salam is compulsory".

While some of the scholars differed on the initiating such greeting from the non Muslim and on their wordings. A group of Jews came to see the Messenger of Allah (pbuh), and they said, “Al-saam ‘alaykum (death be upon you).” ‘A’ishah replied, “Bal ‘alaykum al-saam wa’l-la’nah (No, death be upon you and curses)!”

The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said, “O ‘A’ishah, Allah loves gentleness in all things.” She said, “Did you not hear what they said?” He said, “I answered, ‘Wa ‘alaykum (and unto you)." (Reported by Bukhari dan Muslim)

Some scholars quoted another hadith, saying that a Muslim cannot initiate the greetings of peace (salam) to non-Muslims. This hadith was narrated on a specific occasion where the Prophet (pbuh) was ordering the Muslims to attack the Ahl al-Kitab (Jews) of Banu Qurayzah who had treacherously broken their treaty with the Muslims and tried to collaborate with the pagan enemies to wipe out the Muslims in Medina.

The Prophet (pbuh) is reported to have said in the fuller version of the hadith narrated by Ahmad and Tabarani: “We are going forth in the morning against a group of Jews, so do not initiate the greeting of ‘Peace’ with them”. Thus, in normal circumstances, Muslims are allowed to initiate the greeting of 'Salam' to anyone, including the non Muslims.

In Qur’an (QS 60:8) we are reminded: “Allah does not forbid you in respect of those who do not fight you because of your religion and do not expel you from your homes – from being righteous and dealing justly towards them. Indeed, Allah loves those who act justly”.


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