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Tools of Ijtihad: Uruf (custom)

Uruf merupakan salah satu sumber keputusan Syariat Islam apabila tiadanya teks-teks utama yang tersurat dalam al-Quran dan Sunnah yang dapat menetapkan keputusan.

Uruf bermaksud perbuatan, pengucapan atau amalan yang tidak membawa kepada kemudaratan yang sentiasa diamalkan oleh seluruh umat Islam yang telah menjadi kebiasaan dalam sesebuah masyarakat.

"Apa yang dinilai oleh kaum muslimin sebagai baik, maka ia adalah baik di sisi Allah, dan apa yang dinilai buruk oleh kaum muslimin, maka buruklah ia di sisi Allah." (HR Bukhari).

Uruf yang diiktiraf dalam Islam semestinya tidak bertentangan dengan nas syariat, ijma', maslahah dan tidak membawa kepada keburukan dan kebinasaan. Oleh itu, uruf yang jelas bercanggah dengan nas tidak mempunyai nilai pandangan pada syariat, bahkan wajib dibasmi dan dihapuskan. Firman Allah SWT:

"Dan hendaklah kamu bertolong-tolongan untuk membuat kebajikan dan bertaqwa, dan janganlah kamu bertolong-tolongan pada melakukan dosa (maksiat) dan pencerobohan." (QS 5:2)

Syariat Islam tidak pernah mengetepikan adat atau ‘urf yang baik yang mendatangkan kebaikan kepada ummatnya (maslahah). Adat atau urf yang telah diamalkan secara menyeluruh menjadi suatu ijma', contohnya seperti amalan penduduk Medina yang tidak berlawanan dengan nas dan dalil syarak. Firman Allah SWT:

"Terimalah apa yang mudah engkau lakukan dan suruhlah dengan perkara yang baik serta berpalinglah (jangan dihiraukan) orang-orang yang jahil (yang degil dengan kejahilannya)." (QS 7:199)


Uruf is an important source in Islamic law. Uruf is a matter on which the people in a community agree in the course of their daily life, an uninterrupted action which is repeatedly performed by individuals and communities.

Uruf has the authority in Islam (al-'adatu muhakkamah) to specify a general matter (takhsis al-’Amm) or restrict an unrestricted matter (taqyid al- mutlaq). The basis for this maxim is derived from the verse: “And those who follow a way other than the path of the believers." (QS 4:115).

Scholars explained that what is meant by the 'path of the believers" in the verse is the path that the believers approved, and Allah warned those who follow a different path with the punishment of Hell Fire.

Narrated by ‘Abd Allah b. Mas’ud: The Prophet (pbuh) said: “What the Muslims deem to be good is good in the sight of Allah” (HR Ahmad)

When a community makes a habit of doing something, it becomes the uruf (customary practices that do not contradict with the syariah). Custom, if not against Islamic teachings, and is considered as the good practice in the Muslim community, and acceptable by people and reason. Therefore, such a practice is accepted by Allah.

Uruf fall into two categories: first, established customs which do not differ in times or places, derived from the natural human form, like eating, drinking, sleep and other things. The second category is custom practices which vary with different people and different lands.

Imam as-Shatibi said: "Customs can change in it from good to ugly and the reverse, like uncovering the head. That varies in different regions. In eastern lands, it is considered offensive tor those of manliness it is ugly but not in western lands. So the legal judgment varies according to that. Thus it detracts from the good character in the view of the people of the east but not with the people of the west." (al-Muwafaqat, pt. 2, p. 198)

Uruf is a very powerful factor in shaping a muslim mindset. Uruf is the cultural beliefs and customary practices, which can influence a person on how they understand the Quran and hadist.

For example, if the culture of a community is racist, then the Islam in that community will have a mix of racism. If the culture is liberal, then the Islam in that community will have the shape of liberalism...

It was said that uruf effect 75% of a person thinking. What is maslahat in your culture might be mudhorat is other culture. What was good 20 years ago might be bad for us today. What is halal for you might be haram for me because of the differences in customary culture.

Therefore, if we ever come across different practices or hukum by others, please don't go and discriminate them or banish them into hellfire. The differences are most probably caused by the custom and culture in their community, which happens to be different from yours.

The Quran says:
"O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another." (QS 49:13)

Allah SWT created us in different tribes with different custom and culture so that we could learn from each other and progress, not to condemn or fight with each other till elephant can fly...


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