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The cause of Islamic misconceptions

The ignorance of some Muslims who have disobeyed or misunderstood the teachings of Islam, are one of the major contributor of Islamic misconceptions. Some have mixed their traditional practices with Islam and do not know the difference, while some have failed to behave in accordance with Islamic teachings.

Misconceptions are also due to some Muslim pretending to be specialized scholars, when they are not. Among Muslim scholars, there are those who have specialized in one area, but are often asked questions on areas that are not specialized in because the subject is not in their field of study.

A specialist in one field is usually a layman in other fields. Often a Muslim scholar specialized in one area, were asked about questions on areas that are not in his or her field of specialization, thus creating misconceptions.

Abu Dhar said, "I was with the Prophet (SAW) one day and I heard him saing: "There is something I fear for my Ummah than the Dajjal." It was then that I became afraid, so I said: "Oh Rasulullah! Which thing is that?"

He (SAW) said; "Misguided and astray scholars." (musnad Imam Ahmad no: 21334 and no: 21335)

Misconceptions are also caused by faulty logic and false assumption among the Muslims. Some of them are just plain lazy to learn and improve themselves. They gives the wrong information about their faith to others and causes misconceptions.

Therefore, beware who you takes your information from. If it's against your conscience, recheck it with a reliable source. Islam is all about establishment of justice, education, upholding morality, preventing hardship, rejecting superstition, eliminating oppression and cruelty.

But sadly, the ultimate tragedy in the muslim communities today is not about the oppression and cruelty by the bad people itself but the silence over the act by the good people.


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