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The Last Day is near?

Among the signs of the Last Day mentioned by the Prophet (pbuh) in Sahih al-Bukhari is "when the destitute (al-buhm) camelherds compete in building tall structures." This hadith indicates the desert-bedouins will have access to massive wealth and will then embark on constructing super-tall buildings in a competitive frenzy.

Another version in al-Bukhari was: "when the barefoot and the naked are the top leaders of the people." In Sahih Muslim: "you shall see the barefoot, naked, indigent (al-`âla) shepherds compete in building tall structures."

Ibn Hajar said that 'bear-foot' and naked implies to those who did not use their hearing or sight in anything concerning their Religion even though they are of perfectly sound senses.

Al-Qurtubi said: "What is meant here is the people of the desert country (the desert-bedouins) will take over the conduct of affairs and rule every region by force. They will become extremely rich and their primary concern will be to erect tall building and take pride in them.

In another narration; The Prophet (pbuh) mentioned; "The hour will not rise until the happiest man will be the depraved son of a depraved father (lukka` ibn lukka`). (At-Tabaraani)

Another version recorded by Ahmad, Tirmithi and Bayhaqi; “This world will not end until it belongs to the Luka ibn Luka."

The word Luka ibn Luka means the 'fool son of another ignorant fool' who follows purely his whims and desire to achieve his worldly desire (at the expense of moral or religious value). He will be the most fortunate in terms of respect, wealth, status and luxury. He will hold position of authority and be in charge of worldly affairs. Sound familiar?


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